The Human Resources for Health (HRH) Department is the lead and the driving force for any meaningful improvement in the health status of a population. A well-trained and motivated workforce forms the critical pathway towards universal health coverage (UHC) and is a key to the attainment of the post-2015 health related sustainable development goals (SDGs) and targets. The health workforce is the backbone of the health system and often constitutes the most significant element in the provision of essential and lifesaving health services to the population.
HRH department also adopted its health work force regulations which consists of the laws, policies, and practices that any level of government uses to ensure production of adequate numbers of fit-for-purpose health workers, ensure quality of care, ensure patient safety, ensure health worker safety, harmonize professions and their practice, and facilitate a well-functioning health worker labor market.
The HRH department supports and contributes the vision of FMOH of Somali population will have access to the essential package of health services approved for implementation, through health systems that are effectively delivered by skilled, motivated and supported health workers, regardless of the geographical location or social status of the community.