The Somalia Crisis Recovery Project (SCRP), is a flood and disaster recovery, and reconstruction project financed by the World Bank via the Federal Ministry of Finance (MOF). Total Amount of the project is USD 187.5 M.  It builds on responding the large number of recovery and resilience needs identified during FINA/DINA assessments and the subsequent National Recovery and Resilience Framework RRF. The project is aligned with the existing national policies such as NDP-9 and more specifically to the Recovery and Resilience Framework (RRF).

Objective: To support the recovery of livelihoods and infrastructure in flood and drought affected areas and strengthen capacity for disaster preparedness nationwide.

Geographical Coverage: The project mainly targets floods affected states of Hirshabelle, South-West Jubbaland states of Somalia. However, it has national components such as COVID-19 emergency response, Desert Locust infestation crises and food security.

Project Components

Component 1: Immediate basic services and livelihood support for early recovery
Component 2: Medium-term flood recovery
Component 3: Longer-term disaster risk management and preparedness
Component 4: Providing Project Management and Technical Assistance (throughout)
Component 5: Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC) for COVID-19(throughout).
Component 6: Anticipatory and Recovery Support for Addressing Food Insecurity

Project Governance: The Project is overseen by a Project Steering Committee (PSC), a multi-partner working committee convened with the purpose of guiding and overseeing the Somalia Crisis Recovery Project (SCRP). The PSC is composed of the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), Ministry of Finance (MOF), Ministry of Planning, Investment, and Economic Development (MoPIED) as permanent members with adhoc membership by relevant FMS MoPIED.

Project Management: The project is managed by a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) domiciled at the Ministry of Finance. At state level, the project is managed by State Project Teams (SPTs) housed within the state’s Ministry of Planning

Project Duration: 2020-2025

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